Borno: Security Operatives Foil Suicide Bomb Attacks

Security operatives, including members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF), on Friday, foiled attempts by three bombers to wreak havoc in Usmanti, Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State.        

This was disclosed in a statement issued by Mr. Victor Isuku, spokesperson of the Borno State Police Command.        

According to the statement, the suicide bombers, made up of two females and one male, attempted to enter Usmanti at about 9.49pm.                                

They were, however, spotted by vigilant CJTF officials, who quickly alerted the joint security personnel deployed in the area.                 

The statement added that the security personnel chased the suicide bombers who, in an attempt to escape, hurriedly detonated Improvised Explosive Devices strapped on their bodies. In the process, they killed themselves and injured two CJTF officials. The injured CJTF officials were taken to the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital for treatment.                                

A team from the Police Explosive Ordinance Department visited the scene to sanitize and render it safe.


Bodies of suicide bombers being evacuated from the scene of the attack

